Thursday, December 4, 2008

Your Craft Fair Cannon or your Etsy Sniper Riffle?

Ok, so this post is inspired by a forum post I made just a few hours ago. Someone was asking about how craft fairs compared to selling things on Etsy. I made the following analogy:

"Craft shows are kind of like hitting your target with a cannon and Etsy is kind of like hitting your target with a sniper rifle. You can take your time with the sniper rifle and get 'em at a distance. Sniper rifles are easy to load, and a one-man job most of the time. Cannons are cumbersome to move, difficult to load, more expensive to bear, and require a little help maneuvering. But, if you're on-target with your cannon, you can do a lot more "damage" with just one shot."

In every war, many weapons are used. I say, when it comes to crafting, use them all!

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